Polymorphic sculptur.
Cartridge base, partly charred tree branches, screws.
Stigmata extorts its shape from landscapes devastates by violence of wars.
Lands disintegrated, polluted, atomized by chemical weapons. The earth torn, pulverized by the explosions. Forests stunted, shattered, ripped apart by shellfire. Trees turned war-disabled, torn, shredded. Their wood eroded by combats, scarred with bullets, riddled by canister.
The landscape is a battle.
In this piece, the shiny cartridge bases cover most parts of the bark until replacing it.
Is this permutation produced by morphing effects that conflicts have on the environment ?
Is it a shape generated by the capacity for resilience* of battle fields, signs of a possible rebirth despite all the suffering ?
* The ability of an ecosystem to resist and survive alterations and eventually find a new balance.